Sauna, comes from Finnish. It means a type of bath, for many centuries widely distributed in Finland, where almost everywhere, near numerous lakes, rivers, on the Baltic coasts, you can find small, bathing houses, about which strange things are told.

The wood used for furnishing the sauna, heated to extremely high temperatures typical for a sauna from 60 to 100’C, will not blame anyone. At the same time, the air should remain dry so that the sweat can always evaporate. Evaporation is accompanied by a cooling effect, thanks to which the skin does not become too hot. If this cooling is interrupted due to an increase in air humidity, this entails a periodic additional increase in body temperature.

In the second phase of the bath, the hot body is intentionally cooled down. The lungs are quickly cooled by cold, fresh air (air bath), and the skin is cold with water, sometimes with snow. The sauna is, therefore, a bath with the use of contrasting means: heating in hot and dry air in the sauna cabin and cooling with cold, fresh air or cold water. In the process of activating the body, the refreshing phase in the form of cooling is no less important than the relaxing and soothing heating of the body.

Two phases of bathing, i.e. heating with perspiration and the deliberate cooling of the body after them, are often called a stage. A sauna bath should consist of at least one stage. Salt Cave. People who are used to using the sauna usually repeat the stage three times. If such a bath runs smoothly and without interruptions it lasts from one and a half to two hours.

Originally, the sauna was a bathing place, but because it was the only clean room with a large amount of water, it also served as a place of birth and treatment of the sick. A sauna is not only a hot air bath, but also a combination of dry, hot air and moisture. The use of extreme temperatures has a strong stimulus effect on the body. In the sauna room, the air temperature is 75-105 ° C and even 120 ° C, and the water used for cooling, depending on the season, has a temperature of 5 to 25 ° C, – if this treatment is used outside the bath in water surface. Relative humidity varies from 5 to 20% on average. It is very dry air. To increase the percentage of water vapor to about 70%, pour a lot of water over the fired stones. The influence of the sauna on the human system is based on the production of very significant, although short-term differences in temperature and air humidity. They are the stimuli that cause the desired physiological changes in the body of bathers. Halotherapy.

Why do not the air heated to 100 ° C and more painfully inflict the skin of the “sauna”? This results in the property of dry bodies, which have a very small heat capacity measured by the amount of heat in calories, needed to raise the temperature of the unit of mass of a given body by 1 ° C. In other words, only a little heat is needed to heat the air mass unit by 1 ° C, so that the air can accumulate very little heat. Man can withstand air temperature 100 – 140 C, when the relative humidity of air does not exceed 10-30%. When this humidity rises to 50-60%, the temperature of 50-60 ° C can withstand only a few.